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Category: Health

One Year of COVID-19 USA

Yes, one Year COVID-19 usa! Covid 19 Just think all you can do in three hundred and sixty-five days. Think of the projects or the progress project you have been managing. Think of your business, small, medium, or large; think how much you could have realized in that year. Yes, we can do, we can […]


The chaos we got is a steep mountain.   The numbers speak for themselves. The new administration, Biden and Harris, inherited an enormous mess. The situation is a multiphasic problem showing 24,8 million confirmed cases, 412.8 fatalities. The past administration did not have a plan to combat the epidemic; we need to increase vaccine production, […]


Actions we must take for mutual protection The vaccine is coming soon, its use is not widespread yet. So, take precautions protecting yourselves and others. 1 –Wear a mask, keep six feet away from others, avoid crowds. 2 –If you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, [excluding who had the virus within the […]

COVID-19 Vaccine

THE UNITED STATES MEDICARE.GOV What you should know about the COVID-19 vaccines As vaccines become more widely available, it’s important to keep taking steps to slow the spread of COVID-19. Limit gatherings with others. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands frequently. Wear a mask in public. Once the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to you, here’s what you […]

Human Intelligence vs COVID-19

COVID-19 Global Impact Sometimes the causes of an event are not as important as the consequences of that event, because it is more important to stop its damage than traying to discover what caused it. The COVID_19 has paralyzed the world, and continues to holt the world’s functions.  The statistics, so far, show that we […]

Health at end of Solitude

An antidote appears After so many months of  negligence, lies, misguidance, over ten millions cases of COVID-19, and near three hundred thousand people lost, hope lights up at the evening (the brake) of a new year about to dawn. Pfizer and BioNTech shines hope at the end of lonely dark nights. Let us all do […]

COVID-19: True or False

COVID-19 ENDEMIC I have read stories on social media that COVID-19 is a manmade pandemic with the purpose of scaring the people of the world; so, they can vaccinate them. I heard that this vaccine carries an electronic (chip)fluid device that will remain in the vaccinated persons and be controlled like human robots. If this […]