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Author: Mike Soto

Our Nation is sick

The government and democracy need intensive care There are no questions, there are no doubts: Our form of government is weak, and our democracy is fragile. Corruption has overtaken our nation, the government and democracy. Our constitution needs deep reforms to form a more perfect union, right now. What we need We, the people, created […]

A Dictators’ playbook acts

Autocratic Egotism Let the nation and the world know that what is happening in Washington DC is a movie we have seen wherever  a dictator rule a country. Only dictators send mobs to terrorize, vandalize protest, and destroy, public and private properties, to bend situations to their favor and benefits. These dictators encourage, and order, […]

Pains and Sorrows

The agony of surviving There is no greater fear than the fear of the unknown. The uncertainties of what may come paralyze the human minds. But when the end of life is hovering around our souls, the agony of surviving is our only natural reaction.  The COVID-19 situation is getting worse in this beautiful nation, […]

Democracy vs Corruption

A Fight of Good and Evil Indeed, the fight of good and evil is the struggle of the entire human life time. The biblical story of man started with a murder due to envy and jealousy: when Cain killed his brother Able. Evilness is real in man’s material life. Man’s conscience cannot control the wicked […]

The Twelve Apostles

The Means Justifies the End? Benjamin Franklin was right when he said, “We need a revolution every two hundred years because all governments become corrupt at that time.” But he did neither mention the level of corruption nor predicted the type. What we see now is the intention to destroy what the founding fathers created: […]

Faces and Attitudes

Faces and attitudes Faces and attitudes showing everywhere. They drive us to lose, or drive us to win. they drive us mad, or they drive us crazy. Faces and attitudes make us laugh; but they also can make us cry. You can be here, or you can be there, you may be heavy or may […]


Human’ Smarts We think we are wise persons, and brag about how smart we are. We brag about our qualities, and how we manage our relationships. And we feel we are the smartest creatures in the world. But, is that true or real? Is it true that we, humans, are wise and smart? I sometimes, […]

Coup D’ eta?

Attempt to overthrow the government We, the people, elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president, last November. The Electoral College is set to certify the election results, on January 5th. The senate, led by Mitch McConnel, intends to block the certification. The states certified the election results, and confirmed […]

Human Intelligence vs COVID-19

COVID-19 Global Impact Sometimes the causes of an event are not as important as the consequences of that event, because it is more important to stop its damage than traying to discover what caused it. The COVID_19 has paralyzed the world, and continues to holt the world’s functions.  The statistics, so far, show that we […]

New Year: A Field of Hopes

True Field of Peace of Mind! My fellow humans, it is time to turn our minds to look inside our souls and search in our consciences the true nature of being. It is time to understand the reason why we are created equal. It is time to meditate on the purpose of being; on the […]

Presidential Pardoning Power

Presidential Pardoning Power Is it true that justice is handed out equally to the citizens of the United States? Are there two sides of the American justice? Apparently, the above is so. It is demonstrated by the power conceded to the President of the United States. In monarchies, and or dictatorships, the ruler has the […]

String of Moments

String of Moments A moment always, just a moment is a life, a love, a kiss everything comes and goes; Lovers, friends and foes. The past once our present, in moments, exists in the shadows, in the heavy mists, of our memory’s scent But moments are just moments always: Years, months, or days A life, […]

A Vet’s Wish for Christmas!

A vet’s wish for Christmas! I Every year in December, cold winds come on my nights enticing me to remember my freedom, justice and rights. II The hopes that I never realized and pains which are forever my gifts, linger around me while I am here ostracized on my lonely street where my spirits drifts. […]

Abstract of Love

“Abstract of Love” Doubts, the fears of what is; clearness in darkness must open the expansion I miss: The Truth I love with no lust. The shadow of your soul runs over mine, aloft; longings rushing on my role; the feeling of your kiss is soft. Burn my flesh, I care not; reap my heart, […]

Threat from the deep

Can Stand it anymore? Wait. There is no greater pain than the pain of sorrow. And there is no greater worry than knowing there is no tomorrow, any more. But today is, indeed a turning point; three events made this day historic. 1.– The COVID-19 vaccine in now available. 2.– The Presidential election was certified […]


A Vaccine Rollout Today December 14, 2020 is a historic date. It is like the Japan surrendering day or the capitulation of Germany on World War II. The great damage done by COVID-19 so far reports 16,368,406 cases and  302,141 reported deaths. It is a figure greater than the 291,557 deaths in the entire WWII […]

Truth plus Truth is Truth

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So, Reality plus Reality is always Reality But False & Reality in any combination is always False. So, virtual reality (whim, which is not reality) is False; and Delusion, distorted reality, is, therefore, false, ever. Today the LA Times brought the news that the Supreme Court rejected a Trump’s lawsuit entered in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia […]

Hope is Reality

VACCINE FOR COVID-19 The hope to end the pandemic in the United State is coming around the corner. USD FDA approve the release of a vaccine for emergency purposes this afternoon (reported by the Los Angeles Times). Pay attention to what is happening now, follow the news and stay informed, soon we may find a […]

A Constitution Mandate

Justice for All It is “evident that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights endowed by Nature and the Creator of Nature among which are Life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.” But how can there happiness if Justice does not cover all the people? In this country,  Justice still bends in favor […]

Dictator’s coup?

Government takeover There is no question about this. Trumps is attempting to overthrow a newly legally and formally elected a president and vice-president by a clean, democratic electoral, process. Trump is following steps of world dictators, like Putin, Maduro, Ortega, attempting to remain in power against the will of the people, the popular sovereignty, and […]