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Author: Mike Soto

Aun Asi

Aun así Aunque nadie lo vea o nadie lo oiga; aunque nadie lo sepa o nadie lo sienta, ni piense lo que pienso lo que llevo adentro, te amo. Y aunque tu alma sea, lo que tu mente disponga y tu conciencia discrepa o tu pensamiento disienta cuando mi ego esta tenso y no sea […]

Flor de Amor

Flor de Amor ¿Qué es la vida sin ti? El espacio total, vacío, es; es un alma sin aliento, el futuro sin esperanzas un destino sin suerte. Es el “No” de la existencia… si, es el presente sin después la ausencia del sentimiento, flores sin fragancias; en fin, la Vida es la Muerte. Contigo todo […]


Cenizas Las llamas consumen el hogar que antes era; arde la madera de su estructura y todo lo que ese hogar encierra. Las cenizas calientes resumen gloriosas y frescas primaveras. De la vida, dulzura y amargura; hoy todo vuelve a la tierra. Ahí se queman los sueños; Los viejos y nuevos proyectos desaparecen con el […]

Occupied hands

Never try to work with your hands when your hands are occupied with something else. Put down that something else, so, you may freely work with your hands. MAS-08.17.2021.

Ave Maria-Caccini

Ave Maria de Caccini: First recording presented as done [unedited). This classical piece is great to exercise voice control: tempo, vibrato, holding note length, legato, and expression to say a few.


Lo Fatal … Dichoso el árbol que es apenas sensitivo, y más la piedra dura porque esa ya no siente, Pues no hay dolor más grande que el dolor de ser vivo, ni mayor pesadumbre que la vida consciente… de Rubén Darío.   Bendita Fuga … Bendito sea quien de la materia escapa dejando atrás […]


Ironía Morirán tus secretos en tu mente loca, pasarán las acciones que no contaste y aquellas otras que pensaste hacer sin tomar a nadie en cuenta asumiendo que solo vos sabrías. Las palabras que no dijeron tu boca en tus acciones por contraste explican, como puedes ver, lo que tu mente atenta en tu comedia […]


“Integrity” A rose, a star, is only a part of the universe one dreams under the light shining on the visible and tangible reality: The one, and only, truth, and logic, by which one lives. The end of the start of futile thoughts seems to shine brighter than the sun that illuminates on his mentality, […]


Fair Agreement The fog is dense, embracing my mind; my illogical logic judgment fits in distorted truth I daily find, in partial reality, I live within, a rushed and blind life, a faked bliss; my awareness is limited to this. Yet, we think we’re always right, and everyone else is lost. We think we have […]

One Year of COVID-19 USA

Yes, one Year COVID-19 usa! Covid 19 Just think all you can do in three hundred and sixty-five days. Think of the projects or the progress project you have been managing. Think of your business, small, medium, or large; think how much you could have realized in that year. Yes, we can do, we can […]

What we receive

Behind the soul a shadow stays. Mirages, it wants to make real; Extraneous wants builds in ego’s mind, lulling delusions which egos chase. Very cold the feeling of solitude is; but it is much worse a mind confused. Cursed, the ego spends its days looking for love, lust and thrill; searching, but it can only […]

Landing on Mars

NASA just landed its rovers on Mars. Expensive curiosity hobby scientist wish to satisfy; while on earth, we cannot conquer the COVID-19. We cannot eliminate poverty, and we do not even try to care sincerely for our environment to be clean. For some planet earth is not enough: They are eagerly looking for new frontiers: […]

A Day of Love

A Day of Love Your walk of life did cross mine; your eyes looked at my eyes; Your burning lips tenderly talked of sweet happiness… for our future. Your hand trembled in my hand; the heat of your warm embrace melted my soul into your spell. Your caresses changed my line; your soft voice cooed […]

Valentine’s Day

  Aquel Dia de Amor Cruzaron tus pasos los míos; mis ojos miraron los tuyos; tus labios ardientes hablaron de la felicidad dulce… futura. Vibraron tus manos en mis manos, y el calor de tu abrazo eterno fundió mi alma en tu embeleso. Tus caricias cambiaron mis hastíos y tu suave voz me canto en […]

COVID-19 Status

What is the situation of  the Convid-19 According to US CDC reports near 27.3 millions positive cases and approaching 473.7 thousand death. According to NBC reports COVID-19 is resurging throughout the country. The number of cases per day is increasing. If we sort the numbers by cases per 100,000 people, we see the top hot […]

Justice is blind

Justice cannot see what we hide from it The result of the Donald Trump confirms the constitution is not clear about the process of impeachment and trial process. Criminals hide behind this constitutional twilight. We need to reform the constitution to clear the justice fog. Donald J. Trump has been able to place himself above […]